
Tiger Crane Fist Two Men Set Webinar Part 2

MAK CHE-KONG SIFU’S KUNG FU WEBINAR VIDEO  teaching Part Two of the Hung Gar Tiger and Crane Fist Two Man set!

In this instructive webinar video, Mak Che-kong Sifu explains and demonstrates the second half of the Hung Gar Fu Hok Doy Chaat, or two man form!

In the 90 minute+ webinar,  Mak Sifu explains the history and nature of the set, and demonstrates the  movements of this advanced two person kung fu training form.




About This Book

MAK CHE-KONG SIFU’S KUNG FU WEBINAR VIDEO  teaching Part Two of the Hung Gar Tiger and Crane Fist Two Man set!

In this instructive webinar video, Mak Che-kong Sifu explains and demonstrates the second half of the Hung Gar Fu Hok Doy Chaat, or two man form!

In the 90 minute+ webinar,  Mak Sifu explains the history and nature of the set, and demonstrates the  movements of this advanced two person kung fu training form.