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Project A Cartoon Poster

Title: Project A
Star: Jackie Chan, Sammo Hung, Yuen Biao
Director: Sammo Hung
Description: This is a glossy cartoon artwork poster printed by Golden Harvest to support the theatrical release of this classic action comedy.
Publishing year of product: 1983
Condition : Mint (never displayed)

20″ X 30″


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About This Book

The greatest Asian action ace of the modern era is Jackie Chan, and Reel East are proud to present genuine movie memorabilia from Jackie’s stunt-packed classics.

After Jackie Chan gained superstardom with his films ‘Snake in the Eagle’s Shadow’ and ‘Drunken Master’, he signed with Golden Harvest, the house that Bruce Lee built.

There, he teamed with his former Chinese Opera school classmates Sammo Hung and Yuen Biao on-screen in leading roles for the pirate swashbuckler ‘Project A’. This film saw Jackie’s focus shift from stylised  combat to slapstick physical comedy interspersed with frenetic martial arts fights and stunning stunts.

Set in turn of the century Hong Kong, ‘Project A’ sees Chan’s character and his cohorts battle a pirate king. The film is famed for the bicycle chase sequence, Chan’s fall from a clocktower and the wall to wall comedic action set pieces.

Reel East are proud to release this classic theatrical movie poster for ‘Project A’, featuring cartoony caricature artwork generated by Hong Kong comic book king Tony Wong.